First post

So I started this blog a few weeks ago, and since then, I’ve been thinking about all the things I could include on here. Races! Workouts! Cute stories about my kids! Our homeschooling curriculum and philosophy! There’s a lot, admittedly that not many people will care about. I’m just hoping that there will be a few readers who are interested in running and homeschooling who may find what I have to say interesting, entertaining, or encouraging. But the volume of possible content was paralyzing, especially since I have to start “in the middle” – I’ve been homeschooling for a few years and running for a whole lot more!

I’m going to start with my workout today, just to get going. Hope to keep those up-to-date, more or less, and add thoughts on homeschooling when I can. So this morning was a track morning. It was dark when I started, and a coooooold 27 degrees! But the sun rose in the east, and a huge golden full moon was setting in the west at the same time, and that was almost beautiful enough for me to forget that I had left my Gatorade in the minivan.

I did six miles total. I’m about a week and a half out from the Myrtle Beach Marathon, my goal race, so I’m tapering. I warmed up for 1 1/2 miles. Then I did a ladder workout: 400 at mile pace, 800 at 5K pace, 1200 at 8K pace, 800 at 5K pace, 400 at mile pace. I usually aim for a recovery that is half the distance in the same amount of time (or less). So for me, the workout went like this:

400 in 1:45 (200 recovery in 1:45)

800 in 3:57 (400 recovery in 3:57)

1200 in 6:00 (600 recovery in <6:00 – these longer intervals, especially, are where the equal time recovery gets way too long, so I do the recovery distance, take a few deep breaths, and just go again)

800 in 3:57 (400 recovery in 3:57)

400 in 1:45

Then I did a 1 1/4 mile cooldown. I hit all my intervals today, so I was happy… despite being hungry/thirsty. I don’t really need Gatorade for a 6-mile workout, but I like having it when I’m at the track. Habit!

So I got home and my sweet hubby says, “How was the track?”

“Pretty good,” I reply. “Hard.”

“Well, it is made of asphalt,” he points out. Ba-dum bum.